You can do to overcome fear in Figure 10

Is always how to draw If you have a desire to learn, the only stop you from yourself and your own fear.

The fear of failure is a powerful barrier to overcome before we achieve the goal. 's Face it, the more you want to learn you how to draw, you must learn to overcome the fear, if you are so afraid,

However, do not get me wrong here. You go to the city's art supply store and purchase all the equipment and should not try to develop a work from the word 'Go'. Like facing a school bully that's physically and mentally ready to ....

I recommend 10 things you can do to overcome fear to draw. As you want to do one, or many:

1 As the Nike slogan in: "Just do it!" And to learn about how you can draw, the decision to start so you can get familiar with the terminology, tools, materials, and technology research. You (www.Learn to draw - to visit my site and - I can start free articles, tips, and techniques for painting and drawing, a growing collection of places. That's a good start! ;-)

2 Get some basic drawing equipment. It is expensive sound, but you do not need to. To begin with, pencil, drawing pad, eraser, and maybe you can start by getting tongchijaeul. You dispose of copy paper that can be accessed if you a picture of a paper next to empty the "recycle".

3 You figure associated with the back line of the brain. Perhaps in order to overcome the fear of the figure (or any other for that matter, the horror!) Are the most important things you can do. Figure technology is nothing to prevent you from learning anything. People, the cake can be made that for him! Guidelines and steps to perform just easy to perform and the results are displayed. Once you convince the body, will grill you can learn easier than you think.

4 Unless you are a genius sort of slow but steady move until the case of a normal human being, you are like the rest of us, you start from the most basic exercises and techniques, and built according to the following steps, you must be skilled enough to do something drawn you can be proud of.

5 Your pictures do not matter too much. Remember, you can learn something. "Apprentiship" your picture in the early stages of any object to create a copy of the fax you are not expected. You are expected to practice your That's all.

6 You can learn the basic techniques of basic understanding that most of the child so that you can learn them, so you will Your pencil, different pencil strokes, and the increasing size, shading, perspective, and one kind of learning, as a stick figure drawing, how to hold a moving learning to draw simple shapes to start. Sounds overwhelming, but ... But you do not need to.

How do you eat an elephant? A / Just one bite in one hour! That's too much you can learn!

7 Learning can develop a routine. Your time commitment to learn new concepts and practice new skills, and time, you can set a week away. When you do this, you must keep your attention alive, because this is also important. Joyful promise of continuous learning at a rapid pace and build their technology.

8 Yoda says: "You need to practice." A couple of weeks ago, I watched a TV interview of renowned Australian guitar player Tony Emanuell. He was four years old, since other people have been played! , I like to eat more than playing a guitar "dialog and go to the bathroom, sleep, over you, you know, you got to do something more. Reporter called Tony's answer. Asked how good," when its effect word].

You to learn how to draw just that if you put back, you regularly need to practice. You become a master if you want ... How do you know

9 If the drawing process can be performed. Yes, you can learn to draw from the book. Bring the technology to the next level, you must be a community school, summer school, or an online course.

10 Maintain a record of progress. I lost the papers and my practice, my practice pad in Fig. If you do, I proceed to keep a record.

On how well you keep a record of your children work, and up-to-date when compared to the figure in the picture would be surprised. Confidence improves, you will help keep this translation.

You tips will be useful to you, and wish you all the best of the art learning journey.

Truly your friend,